Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Creating my Whale Picture by Mikayla

Today I learnt how to use the drawing tools in Explain Everything. I enjoyed trying to make the different colours with the colour palette. I used the lasso to crop a photo to help me.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Takutai Class

Today we read a comment from our buddy bloggers Takutai Class, at Paroa School. They suggested we find their school on Google Earth and their Maunga, Mt Cook.  Their school is very close to the beach. We were wondering if they swim at the beach.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Pattern of People

Planned with jovi crayons each person was to be unique. They could overlap but each was to have a different hair style and clothes using texture and pattern done with crayon. Faces were added to different skin tones then a contrasting colour was painted on flat to form the background after each colour difference was defined with black pastel.

It was a long process done in stages with a lot of observation and discussion but the result is worth it.